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SITE Midwest Webinar Testimonial

In December, SITE Midwest hosted our last webinar of 2023 and in the series, "A Walk In Someone Else's Shoes."

Thank you again to our panelists, Matthew Ronk, Brad Bronenkamp, Lauren Harwell, and Andrew Hoag for sharing great insight on "The Sales Perspective." To access a recording of the webinar, click here.

Following the webinar, Matthew Ronk (Associate Vice President at Lamont Associates) shared valuable feedback, commenting, "Your webinar was absolutely the best educational webinar I have attended or been a part of in a really long time. You had that webinar organized like a professional, and you prepared the panel like the experts you are!"


Matthew went on to say, "Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of the session, I think across the board, attendees walked away with some ideas and thoughts to grow. I know I did listening to the other panelists and of course from your insights, too. Well done, well organized, and it was an honor for me to be a part of the session."

We appreciate the feedback, Matthew.



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