SITE Midwest is excited to feature member Martha Howard, National Sales Manager at the Inn on Biltmore Estate. Martha is based in Asheville, North Carolina and has been in the industry for 35 years, 19 of which have been at Biltmore.
Learn more about Martha below:
Why did you join SITE and/or SITE Midwest?
Biltmore hosts many Incentive Meetings on this 8,000 acre, privately owned, gated estate. SITE is the perfect organization for our multitude of offerings for these wonderful star performers.
What is a fun fact about you that many of your industry colleagues don't know about you?
I am a travel fanatic and have literally traveled around the world. My passion is visiting historic hotels.
Quick Fact Bio
I am a graduate of the Hospitality school at Florida International University. After graduation, I started my career at the Boca Raton Resort and Club when it was one of only 7 five-star hotels in the United States, then on to South Seas Plantation on Captiva Island, FL. When we moved to Asheville in the 1980’s, I helped create the first Destination Management Company in the area which is still located in The Grove Park Inn. After several years with the Asheville CVB, I accepted a job with Biltmore.
I have been married for 42 years and am the extremely proud mother of a daughter who has a Master’s Degree in BioMolecular/Chemical Engineering.
Thanks for being part of SITE Midwest, Martha. We’re lucky to have you in our chapter.